About UCM iLab

Greetings to all our researchers, lab members and department fund administrators – as you may have heard, University of California, Merced is excited to start using iLab’s Core Facility Management software, an online system to streamline the process of ordering and billing for core service requests. We understand this is a big transition, therefore we hope to partner with each of you to make it as smooth as possible. With any questions or concerns, please reach out to us using the contact information below.


Office of Research and Ecocnomic Development

Research Systems Support

iLab Cores at University of California, Merced

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Imaging and Microscopy Facility (IMF)

The Imaging and Microscopy Facility hosts optical, confocal, scanning and transmission electron microscopes and equipment for preparing specimens for examination.

Kennedy Nguyen knguyen65@ucmerced.edu 209-406-2237
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a research technique that utilizes the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. This type of spectroscopy determines the physical and chemical properties of atoms or the molecules in which they are contained.

Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry

The Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry (SCIF) provides stem cell researchers access to advanced instruments, techniques and collaborators for single-cell analysis

David Gravano dgravano@ucmerced.edu 209-228-4039, 209-285-5726
The Department of Animal Research Services

The UC Merced Department of Animal Research Services (DARS) is composed of a team of professionals committed to the advancement of science in collaboration with the research community by promoting the humane care and use of animals in biomedical research and teaching.

Department of Animal Research Services dars@ucmerced.edu 209-228-4525

non-iLab Cores at University of California, Merced

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext